distCAD related Links

Sections: • CADViewerPolyhedraToys and HardwareOther


NanoCADNanoCAD by Will Ware
A freeware nanotech design system including source code. In distCAD I have used some code from NanoCAD (3D-Transformation and user Interface). In distCAD you can read NanoCAD's .xyz-Files, but the coordinate space is inverse. (Applet)

Martin's polyhedraMartin's polyhedra
A universal polyhedra generator using Martin's method. Input the number of points or surfaces and the applet calculates the model. (Applet)

paper-modelspaper-models by uni-bayreuth.de
Generate net structures for polyhedron paper models. (Applet)

Great StellaGreat Stella by Robert Webb
Which let you create polyhedra, and print net structures. Many functions: morphing, stellate, measuring, view in 3D Stereo Display, export into 5 File formats and more... (Windows .exe, 503 KB, Evaluation free)

sandbox.exesandbox by Sean Wilson
A real-time mass and spring simulator. Make elastic connectors between in 2 dimensions moveable points. I'm not sure, if this a toy or a CAD-Program? (Windows .exe ,132 KB ,zip freeware)

freeCADfreeCAD by A-S Koh
A basic 3D CAD with advanced Motion Simulation capabilities. Not easy to use. (Windows .exe, 4.6 MB, freeware)

Wings 3DWings 3D
A easy to use OpenGL 3D-modelling Software. 3 Import- and 6 Export File formats. (Windows .exe, 1.84 MB, Ver. 0.98.05 is free)

Movie 3DMovie 3D by aist
3D Modelling and Ray tracing, make SDS, NURBS, Post Image Effects, Animation and more. It is not easy to use this thousands effects. (Windows .exe, 21.6 MB, SE Version is free)

JCad by Wang Tinghao
The source code requires the latest J2SDK1.4.0 and Ant to build. (Open Sorce J2SDK 1.4.0 Java-Code)

TurboCAD by imsi
Integration of 2D and 3D tools plus advanced Architectural and Mechanical design tools (Windows .exe, about 100 EUR)


quick3Dquick3D by Bill M. Sherman
Display over 23 File formats in 3D. (Windows .exe, 596 KB)

Java 3D Engine by Paul Flavin
A viewer for multiple object file formats including .obj, .nff, .off, and (a few simple VRML) .wrl files. (Applet)

A viewer for Chemical Sample files (.csf). (Applet)

3DView3DView by Actify
Display over 28 File formats in 3D, make dynamical profile section, measures, transparency, comments and more. (Browser plug-in)


polyhedron.exepolyhedron.exe (Windows, 165 KB) by Thomas L.York
Polyhedra (Applet) by Gian Marco Todesco
Animated transitions between 24 Polyhedrons.

George W. Hart the "Polyhedron Man"
many Links, pages and pictures, virtual polyhedra

Uni Bayreuth Platonic solids
extensive pages to study.

Bob's Page - polyhedra as .gif

Toys and Hardware

A magnetic construction set. (Germany, Austria) More variants in USA by zometool.com

polydron 33 €Polydron
Full plastic construction sets.

Flexible plastic construction set.


Maximize minimum mutual distance between N points on a sphere: Engine Monitoring